Staff Profiles

Please click on photos for more information on Staff at SPCNM.

Robyn Carruthers
Chief Executive

Maria Hayes
Academic Director

Karen Mees
Clinic Director

Sarah Brenchley
Head of Nutrition

Wayne Hill
Course Lecturer and Clinic Supervisor

Sarah Dunn
Clinic Co-ordinator

Karen Wesseling
Enrolment and Student Progression; IT Support

Rachel Callander
Library Manager

Catherine Wilson
Student Support & Communication (Marketing Co-ordinator)

Jill Tuwhare
Student Administration Manager

Vardhana Mistry
Moodle Administrator

Nixie Manson
Academic Administrator

Philip Dowling
Clinic Supervisor

Shelley Moana Hiha
Cultural Liaison

Dr Asmita Patel
Research Manager

Tania Johansson
Financial Controller

Paige Dunlop
College Liaison

Katie Noble
Dispensary Supervisor

Marion Stobie
Clinic Supervisor

Stacey Jarvis
Course Lecturer and Clinic Supervisor

Rachael Lumsden
Course Lecturer and Clinic Supervisor

Lynda Bailey
Course Lecturer

Sylvan Lockie
Course Lecturer

Sonia McNaughton
Course Lecturer

Sharon Simons
Course Lecturer

Susan Eckert
Clinic Assistant

Emma Gardiner
Clinic Assistant

Melanie Trimble
Clinic Assistant

Visiting Professors

At the South Pacific College of Natural Medicine, we have been very lucky to ensure firm relationships with Dr Simon Mills and Dr Joseph Pizzorno, who are both internationally renowned lecturers and experts in the field of Natural Medicine.

Dr Joseph Pizzorno has been adjunct visiting professor to the College since 2009. Dr Simon Mills has been the College’s adjunct visiting professor since 2014.

Please click on photos for more information on Visiting Professors at SPCNM.

Dr Simon Mills
Adjunct Visiting Professor

Dr Joseph E. Pizzorno
Visiting/Distance Lecturer