Ariana Sutton


(BEd, Cert Rongoa Maori. 10+Traditional Learning Maori Healing wananga)

Ariana Sutton (Kati Mamoe, Waitaha, Rapuwai, Ngai Tahu oku Iwi) is a Traditional Maori Healer.

She practices both in Auckland and in Gisborne where she lives. She has been practising since 2014, also offering her work within various wananga, her Iwi and various public events. Her background is in Education and project Management, largely with Indigenous youth and communities. She is passionate about the revival of Maori Healing Practices and is an active kaitiakitanga advocate, in sustainable whenua/land projects. She is currently studying her Masters of Indigenous Studies at Te Whare Wananga O Awanuiarangi with a focus on Indigenous Healing restoration.


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